Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's been awhile since my last post, but I haven't just been sitting around.  I'll try to catch up what's been going on in the garden in a couple of posts.  First, another look at my "summer garden".  It's finally starting to look like at least something's growing, so progress...

On August 27, I planted a few green beans.  This is what it looked like 3 days later - nothing yet, just a little mulch to try to keep the soil moist and a little cooler.

But by September 3 (one week since the seeds went in the ground) here is what I've got:

Pretty amazing, huh.  Those bean plants just jumped right out of the ground!
And here is a look at my attempts to keep things a little cooler in the gardens - some shade cloth.  It's been very, very hot - up to 110 at my house, 116 or more in Phoenix.

That's all for now.
Next time... first of the major fall crops and compost tea, yum!