Almost a two year break! I'll give blogging another try. We'll see how it goes.
Here are some pictures of my summer 2013 garden. Sorry about the poor picture quality. These were taken about 8:00pm with my cell phone. I figured I would at least get something published to get back in the habit.
A few yard-long beans starting to climb the trellis. They're supposed to do well in the heat. We'll see.
I have four watermelon plants - two from nursery plants and two from seeds. They are not looking very good since it has gotten hot. I'm not sure what the problem is.
My cantaloupe patch. It seems to be doing OK. There are about a dozen melons of softball size.
The zucchini plant on the far left has quit producing and I need to pull it up. The patty pan squash (2 plants) on the right are still producing heavily.
You can see some peppers (right), eggplant (center-left), and tomatoes (far left). The eggplant and the tomatoes are doing very good. We're getting tomatoes every other day.
And finally, here are a couple of armenian cucumbers that are just getting going. They also are reputed to like the heat. I've not been successful with them before, but they are looking good,