Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Fruits of My Labor

Some more quick pics...

One small watermelon - not ready yet.

Two small cantaloupe.
Three (or more) ripe tomatoes.
Today's Harvest

The patty pan squash (on the left) seem to like the heat better than the zucchini.  I pulled out the last zucchini plant this morning since it was no longer producing anything and it looked pretty bad.  A few tomatoes (partially covered with shade cloth are getting ripe every day.  They are totally unrelated to store-bought tomatoes!  And lastly, the eggplants (three on the right) don't get very big, but there are plenty of them and the plants seem to be unfazed by 105+ heat.  We have all we can eat of these vegetables and I give 3/4 of them away.

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